Attempting to run the ACFRULCU CA Cleanup job produces the following abend and reason code:
An S013 occurs during processing of an OPEN macro instruction and is always accompanied by an IEC141I message explaining the reason for the OPEN failure.
In this situation, a RC 20 indicates an OPEN macro instruction was issued for a sequential data set using queued access. BLKSIZE is not a multiple of LRECL, or LRECL is 0 with RECFM=FB or RECFM=FBS, or BLKSIZE is not at least four bytes greater than LRECL with RECFM=V. This occurred with the data set SAMPLE.DATASET.INPUT on the SYSIN DD statement.
Verify that the data set specified on the SYSIN DD statement follows the required format.
Data set requirements for the SYSIN DD statement are as follows:
DSORG=PS, RECFM=FB. Additionally, SYSIN must be inline or from an LRECL=80 fixed block data set.