Cannot Install UIM robot on Ubuntu 20.x
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Cannot Install UIM robot on Ubuntu 20.x


Article ID: 216072


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Install UIM robot on Ubuntu 64-bit Linux servers via UNIX/LINUX installation utility (nimldr) may not work and return the below error:

May 27 10:29:27:201 0 nimldr: Could not figure out what operating system you are running!

Another possible symptom is that nimldr is not able to find the hub it tries to attach to.  


Version: UIM 20.3.x
Component: Ubuntu 64-bit Linux


Ubuntu 20.x 64-bit Linux is supported on Robot 9.33/9.33S and higher


1. Access your 20.3.3 UIMHOME Page (http://<primary_hub_ip>/uimhome/installers.jsp), go to "OS Native Installers (supports silent mode only)" and locate the download for "Ubuntu 64-bit Robot".  

2. Preparing an Answer File must be a text file in the following syntax and format

Name the answer file nms-robot-vars.cfg

hubport=parent_hub_port_number (default port for a hub is 48002)

3. Copy the ubuntu Linux installer to /opt on the target system:

nimsoft-robot+ubuntu_amd64.deb 64-bit 

4. Copy the nms-robot-vars.cfg answer file (complated on step 2) to /opt.

5. Install the robot

On Debian or Ubuntu, execute the following command using sudo, su -c, or as the root user. Specify <OS> as debian or ubuntu, and specify <arch> as i386 or amd64.

dpkg -i nimsoft-robot+<OS>_<arch>.deb

6. Execute the script to configure the robot when the installer exits.

cd /opt/nimsoft/install bash

7. The installation is complete. To start the robot, use the following command

 /opt/nimsoft/bin/niminit start

Additional Information

Deploy Robots in Bulk with a Third-Party Tool and Native Installers (

Robot 9.33 can run on UIM 20.1, 20.3, 20.32 too, however, it needs nimsoft-robot+ubuntu_amd64.deb from 20.3.3 archive