File agent error: No such file or directory
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File agent error: No such file or directory


Article ID: 216071


Updated On:


CA Harvest Software Change Manager CA Harvest Software Change Manager - OpenMake Meister


When trying to check out my file I am getting this error:

---------- Begin <Check Out File> Process ----------
E03020028: The File Agent error for item <path and file name>: No such file or directory.
I00060080: Check out summary: Total: 1; Success 0; Failed: 1; Not Processed: 0.
---------- End <Check Out File> Process ----------

How can this problem be resolved?


HARVEST Software Change Manager all versions


We checked the user's checkout process window and found that the option "Preserve View Path and Structure" had been selected.  With this option, the folder on the user's computer must already exist before the file(s) can be checked out.  Changing the option to "Preserve and Create Directory Structure" allows Harvest to create the necessary folders to check out the file(s).