When a user who only has the right(Timesheet - Navigate) to view their own timesheets, they only see a blank page.
The URL automatically changes to /pm/#/timesheets/timesheet
The page does not render until they click the refresh button or click the Timesheet module icon.
Release : 15.8.1
In the affected environment, perform the following steps:
1. Make sure the user has Instance Right - Resource Enter Time for themselves. If they do not, add that. If they already do, proceed to step 2.
2. Have an administrative user uncheck and recheck the field(Open For Time Entry) for the user with the issue.
3. Have the user affected to retry accessing the Timesheets module again.
If the issue persists,
1. Get the CMN_SEC_USERS.id of the user having the issue.
2. Run the query for Support review:
Please run the following SQL and attach the results to the case.
NOTE: Export the results to an .XLS file with column header names.
WHERE user_id in (xxxx)
AND component in ('timesheets', 'timesheet', 'mytimesheet')