WCC 11.4.7 ships with JRE 1.8.0_202. This can be upgraded to a newer JRE 1.8.x release.
Release : 11.3.6
1) Identify the version of JRE (32bit/64bit) is being used and then use appropriate JRE bit.
/opt/CA/WorkloadCC/jre_32/bin (Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\jre_32) ==> 32bit JRE (java -version -d32 ## should show it is 32bit )
/opt/CA/WorkloadCC/jre/bin (Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\jre) ==> 64bit JRE (java -version -d64 ## should show it is 64bit )
2) Stop WCC
3) Download appropriate latest 32bit and 64bit JREs
4) Rename both the JRE folders (from step#1 above) to a backup name
5) Unzip the latest 32bit and 64bit JREs appropriately as the jre_32 and jre folder paths in step#1 above
6) After unzipping, ensure the java version is correct by repeating step#1
7) Make a change to both files below:
C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\jre\lib\security\java.security
C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Control Center\jre_32\lib\security\java.security
8) Identify the security.provider.X section in those files and add the next xx manually following entry:
Note: Keep in mind that the above entry in your file, adjust the xx to be the next number in the sequence. Example:security.provider.11 or security.provider.12
9) Save the file and start WCC
Note: if WCC SSL is involved, check this doc as well https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=197253 to make sure the correct security setting is setting