Just upgraded to a newer release of IBM CICS TS and re-installed the Spool CICS Menu interface. During the first attempt to run an application program that interfaces with Spool using the API routines the IBM CICS TS region abends and the following or similar messages can be seen:
+DFHAP0001 jjjjjjj An abend (code 0C6/AKEA) has occurred at offset X'0000002A' +DFHME0116 jjjjjjj (Module:DFHMEME) CICS symptom string for message DFHAP0001 is PIDS/5655S9700 LVLS/670 MS/DFHAP0001 RIDS/DFHSRP PTFS/HCI6700 AB/S00C6 AB/UAKEA RIDS/AESFCICS ADRS/0000002A +DFHDU0201 jjjjjjj ABOUT TO TAKE SDUMP. DUMPCODE: AP0001, DUMPID: 1/0001 +DFHDU0202 jjjjjjj SDUMPX COMPLETE. SDUMPX RETURN CODE X'00'
The abend happens assuming that sample provided JCL contained in library CBQ4JCL was already executed. For release 11.7 member IQB7CICS requires the following changes in macro $ESFCICS: &ESFCICS SETB 1 and &CTS310 SETB 1. For release 12.0 member BQ4JCICS only requires a change in &ESFCICS SETB 1.
Output Management Spool for z/OS
The most common reason for getting this abend is that the UCLIN statements to update the SMP/E CSI with information about the relationships between sources and macros were not run prior to submitting the sample JCLs that installs the CICS Menu interface.
The result is that macro $ESFCICS was updated but no program was assembled nor linked. This causes the reported abend.
To correct this condition, perform the following steps in the order in which they are outlined:
Spool Release 11.7
Spool Release 12.0