CA View - Sysout security
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CA View - Sysout security


Article ID: 215979


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When trying to access archival files, I receive the following message:

User not authorized to access sysout
  • The SARSECUX security user exit or external or internal security did not allow access to the specified SYSOUT group.
  • The user does not have access to the specific mode.
  • For a user with access to SAR mode or EXP mode, any of the following reasons might apply:
  • Distribution-id is not defined for the user.
  • Report is not defined to the user's distribution-id.
  • The REPRT field for the report that is defined to the distribution-id is set to 'N'.
Consult with your security administrator or systems programming group to determine the reason why the authorization was not provided.
What process do I need to go thru to resolve this issue?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


To determine if you there is a modified SARSECUX exit:

 . Go to the View CVDELOAD library, and find the size of module SARSECUX. 
 . If the size is 0048, then the SARSECUX exit was not modified. 

To find what modes a User can use:

 . Use, or have someone use, the View online command (on the View Primary panel) "DEF USER". 

 . In that User Definition list, locate the ID of the person in question. 

 . Under the "A/EO/E/SO/S/J" columns (ALL/EXPO/EXP/SARO/SAR/JOB), a "Y" will indicate which View modes are allowed, for the user. 

To determine use of a Deliver Distribution ID:

 . In the Deliver online, at the Deliver Primary panel, use command "R" (for reports), and locate the report in question. 

 . At the Report Definition panel for the report, issue command "D" for Distribution IDs. 

 . Find the Distribution ID of the person in question, and see what is there for their "Reprt" field. 

If you have SARINIT setting SECURITY=EXTERNAL, look at the value for parameter SECID=.... 
Then, go to the security rules, with a prefix of the SECID value, to see if there are any restrictions.