Univiewer Webconsole delivers velocity.jar which creates a log called velocity.log in a wrong folder depending on the Tomcat startup script.
Expected behavior: velocity.log should be created in a folder containing logs
Actual behavior: velocity.log is created on <tomcat>/bin, /root or <tomcat> folder which is wrong.
This may prevent UVC Webconsole from being deployed in a particular Tomcat, generating an error similar to the following one in the catalina.out:
PANIC : Error configuring AvalonLogSystem : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /velocity.log (Permission denied)
In some cases, deployment may work fine but the downloading of the JNLP will not be possible.
Release : 6.x
Sub-component: Univiewer Webconsole
Wrong path used for creating velocity.log
Create a symbolic link called velocity.log in the target folder (on the example above in /velocity.log) pointing to the Tomcat logs folder (ie. /usr/share/tomcat/logs) to allow UVC Webconsole deployment.
Update to a fix version listed below or a newer version if available.
Fix version(s):
Component: Univiewer.Console (Webconsole and Webstart)
Dollar Universe 6.10.81 - Available