TSS7100E 006 J=jobname A=acid T=N/A F=STC - Facility Not Authorized
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TSS7100E 006 J=jobname A=acid T=N/A F=STC - Facility Not Authorized


Article ID: 215864


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Top Secret


Receiving error message on the console log:

TSS7100E 006 J=startedtask A=acid T=N/A F=STC - Facility Not Authorized

TSS7160E Facility <STC> Not Authorized for Your Use     

for user signing on to a started task.


A facility needs to be associated with the started task so the users will need to be assigned this facility instead of facility STC. To do this:

1.  Choose an existing facility to be associated with the started task or define a new facility. To define a new facility dynamically:

    TSS MODIFY FAC(USERnnn=NAME=facname)
    TSS MODIFY FAC(facname=PGM=xxx)
    TSS MODIFY FAC(facname=opts)

'USERnnn' is one of the user defined facilities not currently in use.
'facname' is the facility name to be used.
'xxx' is the first 3 letters of the program that starts the started task.
'opts' are any other facility control options to be set.

The TSS MODIFY command is only valid until the next restart of Top Secret. To make the changes permanent, add the corresponding FAC statements to the Top Secret parameter file:


2.  If a started task ACID is already defined for the started task, skip to step 3. To create a new ACID for the started task:

    TSS CRE(regionID) TYPE(USER) DEPT(dept) NAME('myproc regionID') PROTECTED FAC(STC) 

3. Add MASTFAC(facname) to the started task ACID:

   TSS ADD(regionID) MASTFAC(facname)

4. If not already done, add the procname and ACID to the STC table.

    TSS ADD(STC) PROCNAME(proc) ACID(regionID)

5. Add the facility to the users that should have it:

    TSS ADD(acid) FAC(facname)

where 'acid' is the user's ACID, an attached profile, or the ALL record if all users should have access.

6.  Restart the started task to activate the above changes.

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