SET MRCZERO in Z/VSE allows me to set the job's maximum return code back to 0, but Scheduler keeps the MRC at what it was previous to the SET MRCZERO command was issued. Is there any way to make Scheduler pick the update MRC?
We use the VSE commands SET RCZERO and SET MRCZERO to set the return code and maximum return code to zero within the job stream. However, Scheduler shows a job completion code of the highest return code actually encountered.
Release : 7.3
Component : Scheduler Job Management for z/VSE
By setting the MRC to zero at a job step dynamically, this change is not being made permanent.
Reference Guide Pt1 page 3-9
Give the condition code threshold that indicates job failure (a number from 0-4095). Any job step ending with a return
code greater than or equal to this value is posted as having FAILED. Successors to this job will not be satisfied. The
'ABEND=' option does not affect the job that fails because it has reached the threshold. A value of zero means that
Unicenter CA-Scheduler is not checking for a threshold.
Basically, if the return code in the job is an 8 then Scheduler picks that up.
Their was an enhancement request submitted in the past but was rejected due to the large redesign that was required at the time.
It is still recommended you add the request to the Idea Wall and see if we can get enough customers to vote on it for the next release. Optional setting for CAIJGEN or a MODON to pick up SET MRCZERO values as a value for Scheduler.