DevTest - User Authentication Error - Null keys are not supported!
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DevTest - User Authentication Error - Null keys are not supported!


Article ID: 215812


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Service Virtualization


We have recently migrated our users from LDAP to AD groups. But few of our users are not able to authenticate with AD. Getting below error in IAM server.log.

WARN  [] (default task-64) type=LOGIN_ERROR, realmId=service_virtualization, clientId=virtual-service-catalog, userId=null, ipAddress=xx.xx.xx.xx, error=invalid_user_credentials, auth_method=openid-connect, grant_type=password, client_auth_method=client-secret, username=XXXXXX
INFO  [] (default task-105) KC-SERVICES0087: Syncing data for mapper 'groupMapper' of type 'group-ldap-mapper'. Direction: fedToKeycloak
ERROR [] (default task-125) Failed to save event: java.lang.NullPointerException: Null keys are not supported!


Release : 10.6 and up

Component : CA Service Virtualization


The groups that were created are universal groups across multiple domains that was causing this issue. The users from the domain to which binding DN  belonged were only able to login. 


Issue got resolved by adding another provider for other domain with higher priority and mapping the users accordingly.