Process failing after HTTP Put
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Process failing after HTTP Put


Article ID: 215683


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CA Process Automation Base


ITPAM is using an HTTP Put Operator to update the incident_state to 2 and add a work_note to a ServiceNow Incident. The updates are made to the ServiceNow Incident. However, the ITPAM workflow ends with no obvious errors and fails.


Release : 4.3

Component : Process Automation


The reason why the process fails is because:

  • The HTTP Put operator uses Post-Execution code that checks for certain information in HTTPResponseContent.
  • HTTPResponseContent was blank so the post-execution code set a returncode of -1.
  • The Start Process has a custom operator that checks the returncode and sends it to an abnormalstop operator if it is = -1.


To resolve this issue the Network, ServiceNow and any ThirdParty teams used in relaying messages between ITPAM and ServiceNow need to be involved to identify where/why the HTTPResponseContent is blank. This is not normal when sending the request directly to ServiceNow.