Retrieving a List of Devices Experiencing Reachability Issues in the Last 24 Hours
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Retrieving a List of Devices Experiencing Reachability Issues in the Last 24 Hours


Article ID: 215664


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How can I get a  list of devices encountering reachability issues within the past 24 hours ?


Dx NetOps Performance Management All releases


With this OData query, you can sort by count and get a list of devices that had less successful polling during the selected time interval, in this case, 24 hours:

http://DA:8581/odata/api/devices?$apply=groupby(reachabilitymfs/ID, aggregate(reachabilitymfs(im_Reachability with countdistinct as Value))) &&resolution=RATE&period=1d&$select=ID,Name,PrimaryIPAddress, reachabilitymfs/Value&$filter=((reachabilitymfs/im_Reachability lt 1))$format=text/csv

This query will return a CSV formatted list including the device ID, name, primary IP address, and the count of less successful polling attempts.