After installing Applications Manager master/local agent or remote agent, or after installing or upgrading Java used by the master or agent, Applications Manager fails to start due to the below error.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.SecurityException: class "com.appworx.util.DBG"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package
Release : 9.2
During start up, Java reads the jar files located in the $AW_HOME/web/classes directory and detects that the install.jar signer info does not match AppWorx.jar's signer info, even though the signer information has be confirmed the same.
The issue is a known defect.
Known defect fixed in 9.4.0
1. Create a new directory under the $AW_HOME/web/classes directory and name it backup_jar or any name of your choosing.
2. Move the install.jar into the new directory.
3. Restart Applications Manager.