Advanced Authentication Admin console is a web application deployed as war file. This document talks about a official tool called bundle-manager.jar that allows to create new .war files (for arcotadmin and arcotuds.war) that help you remediate some of the common say Admin UI issues, Arcot UDS issues etc. The best practice of taking backups before running this helpful tool has been emphasized.
Release : 8.x and 9.x releases
Component : AuthMinder(Arcot WebFort)
Risk Authentication
Common Admin UI and UDS issues due to war files that need to be updated due environmental changes etc.
1. Use the below as a guidance to navigate to the directory ARCOT_HOME/tools/common/bundlemanager where bundle-manager.jar is located. Note the example has been shown for a Windows AA deployment.
2. When bundle-manager.jar is executed successfully the new .war files like arcotadmin.war are generated in location <ARCOT_HOME>\java\webapps will have new .war files to use. Ensure that you backup <ARCOT_HOME>\java\webapps to restore your environment before executing the bundle-manager.jar as shown in the next bullet #3.
3. Open a Command Prompt and navigate to the <ARCOT_HOME>\tools\common\bundlemanager> folder. Then execute this command below (note the <ARCOT_HOME> in the example below is "C:\Program Files\CA\AdvAuth"
C:\Program Files\CA\AdvAuth\tools\common\bundlemanager>java -jar bundle-manager.jar
***** Parts of screenshots showing just the start of bundle-manager.jar execution and the successful completion *****
Follow all best practices of deploying a new .war in your Application Server.