Even though users have active sessions within Clarity, they are still getting logged out. The network/SSO team has confirmed that timeout period has been set to greater than 60 minutes.
[en - Unable to process request - Server or Network error]
Popup with message:
Unable to process request - Server error. Please try again and if problem persists, contact your system administrator.
Release : 15.9
Since the issue is intermittent, have the end user perform the following:
1. On a daily basis until the issue is reproduced, turn on the browser > Developer Tools > Network
to allow the traffic to be captured as they are using Clarity.
2. Once the issue is encountered, have the user save all the HAR file activity as a .HAR file.
3. Upload the following files to the Support case:
a. HAR file
b. app-access log from the date the latest issue occurred.
To date, the following SSO implementations appear in the .har file and correspond to the app-access log:
McAfee Web Gateway (MWG)
GET /mwg-internal/xxxxxx/plugin?target=Auth&reason=Auth&ClientID=xxxxx&ttl=3600&url=xxxx%3D%3D&rnd=xxxxHTTP/0.0
Oracle Authentication Manager (OAM)
GET /oberr.cgi?status%3D500%20errmsg%3DErrEngineDown HTTP/1.1|404
The network team will need to configure the nodes.