When running an AdminUI, one might like to know how to create and
administrator which will have read only permissions.
At first glance, to create a Legacy Administrator, the following
objects should be created in this order : Workspace (1), Legacy
Administrator (2), Administrator (3).
Here a sample how to do it.
To create a Legacy Administrator with Read Only permissions :
- Go to the AdminUI;
- Go to Administrator / Workspaces;
- Click on "Create Workspace";
- In Name, give a name to the new workspace;
- Click on "Lookup";
- In "Search for objects of type" drop down list, select each item
you want the new admin to access to, and click "Search";
- Select all the sub item you want the new admin to access to;
- Click "Select";
- Select "Read-Only" for each of the sub item you want to be
- Click "Submit";
- Go to Administrator / Legacy Administrator;
- Click "Create Legacy Administrator";
- Select "Create a new object of type Legacy Administrator";
- In Name, give a name to your new administrator;
- Select "CA Single Sign-On Database";
- In "Password", give a password;
- In "Confirm Password", give the password you defined above;
- Keep all other fields as is with default values;
- Click "Submit";
- Go to Administrator / Administrators;
- On the line of the new administrator defined above, click on the
pencil sign to edit it;
- In the drop down list "Workspace", select the workspace you
defined above;
- In the "Rights" section, click "Add" button;
- Select all the Items you want the Admin to access to;
- Click "OK";
- In the "Rights" section, check the "V" field for each item you
want the new admin to View, keeping all the other columns
- Click "Submit";
- Give a comment if you want to;
- Click "Yes";
- If you want to extend the new admin created above to have read
- access to other objects, then just add them in the workspace.
- Go again to Administrator / Workspaces;
- On the workspace you created above, click on the pencil to edit
- Select all the objects you want as read-only;
- Click on Lookup to add other objects;
- Click "Submit" to save modifications;
Edit a second time after the changes, in order to insure that all
items and sub items are checked as read-only.
Sign out the current user and login with the new administrator that
has been just created.
Create a Workspace
Create a Legacy Administrator
Create an Administrator