Unable to import the role definition with the following error.
SEVERE [com.ca.iam.model.eta.BoolPropertyConverter] (Thread-xxxx) Value 'U' not found in boolValues (Unlocked / Locked) for property 'userLockedBit' on Policy
Release : 14.x
Component : IdentityMinder(Identity Manager)
There is a problem with the data in the eTORAUserLocked attribute because the Oracle account template data come from an older product version.
The value should be either Locked or Unlocked not L or U.
All account templates should be set to Unlocked. so change them manually or run the following etautil command to change all of them:
etautil -u USER -p PASSWORD masschange 'eTORAPolicyContainerName=Oracle Policies,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects' eTORAPolicy eTORAPolicyName=* to eTORAUserLocked='Unlocked'
*This needs to be tested in non production environment.