Fatal error: Dbms cannot be contacted when running the TDM Database Installer Utility
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Fatal error: Dbms cannot be contacted when running the TDM Database Installer Utility


Article ID: 215326


Updated On:


CA Test Data Manager (Data Finder / Grid Tools)


We are doing a fresh install of TDM 4.9, and cannot get the TDM Database Installer Utility to run successfully to install the gtrep repository database. We have tried running the command that is found in the TDM documentation, but the command is not working for us. Below is the command we are running:

C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Downloads\GEN0000000001822\ca-tdm-db-install-kit>ca-tdm-db-installer install --dbname gtrep --dbms oracle --server myoracle.acme.com --dbmsuser system --dbmspassword gtsecret123 --servicename  myoracle.acme.com --dbuser gtrep --dbpassword 12ABcd!%

CATDM database installation utility v4.9.0.6
Logging to C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\ca-tdm-db-installer.log.
Client tools for Oracle were found on this computer.
Testing connectivity to dbms on myoracle.acme.com:1521/myoracle.acme.com
Fatal error: Dbms cannot be contacted.
ca-tdm-db-installer completed with return code 1 (fail).


log **************************************

8/05/2021 15:32:06 Logging to C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\ca-tdm-db-installer.log.
18/05/2021 15:32:06 --------------------------------------------
18/05/2021 15:32:06 CATDM database installation utility v4.9.0.6
18/05/2021 15:32:06 --------------------------------------------
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Action:                             install
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DBMS server:                        myoracle.acme.com
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DB user name:                       gtrep
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DB password:                        ******
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DBMS user name:                     system
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DBMS password:                      ******
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DB to install:                      gtrep
18/05/2021 15:32:06 DB installation kit location:       C:\Users\xxxxxxx\Downloads\GEN0000000001822\ca-tdm-db-install-kit
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Oracle DB service name:             myoracle.acme.com
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Oracle DB tns name:                 
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Oracle DB login role:               
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Dbms port:                          1521
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Dbms type:                          oracle
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Force overwrite existing databases? no
18/05/2021 15:32:06 debug:                              no
18/05/2021 15:32:06 sqlplus.exe was found in the path
18/05/2021 15:32:06 sqlldr.exe was found in the path
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Client tools for Oracle were found on this computer.
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Testing connectivity to dbms on myoracle.acme.com:1521/myoracle.acme.com
18/05/2021 15:32:06 Executing cmd line: cmd.exe /c ""C:\app\xxxxxxx\product\18.0.0\dbhomeXE\bin\sqlplus.exe" -L system/******@myoracle.acme.com:1521/myoracle.acme.com @"C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\ca-tdm-db-installer-checkconnectivity.sql""

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue May 18 15:32:06 2021

Copyright (c) 1982, 2018, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified



Release : 4.8, 4.8.1, 4.9, and 4.9.1

Component : CA Test Data Manager - Others


You cannot simply cut and paste the command from the documentation. You will need to enter the correct information for your Oracle database, which should have been provided by your Oracle DBA.


The syntax for the command, to install an Oracle database should be:

ca-tdm-db-installer install --dbname <database_name> --dbms oracle --server <servername.domain.com> --dbmsuser <dbms_username> --dbmspassword <dbms_password> --servicename <oracle_service_name> --dbuser <db_username> --dbpassword <db_password>


  • <database_name> Specifies the name of the database you are installing. Typically, this would be gtrep, and should be provided by your Oracle DBA.
  • <servername.domain.com> Specifies the fully qualified server name of the machine hosting the Oracle database. If you omit this property from the command, the installer utility will use localhost by default.
  • <dbms_username> Specifies a user with administrative rights to access the database where you want to install the Oracle database. Typically, this will be the system schema in Oracle. You will need to verify this with your Oracle DBA.
  • <dbms_password> Specifies the password used by the dbms_user account you are using above. This should be provided by your Oracle DBA.
  • <oracle_service_name> Specifies the Oracle Service Name for the Oracle database you are installing. This should be provided by your Oracle DBA.
  • <db_username> Specifies the database username used to connect to the database you are installing. This should be provided by your Oracle DBA.
  • <db_password> Specifies the password used by the database user account you are using to connect to the Oracle Database. This should be provided by your Oracle DBA.

For example:

ca-tdm-db-installer install --dbname gtrep --dbms oracle --server oratest.broadcom.com --dbmsuser system --dbmspassword systemPW1234 --servicename oratest.broadcom.com --dbuser gtrep --dbpassword GtRep1234!

Additional Information

There is an alternative method, which many customers prefer. If the account you are using to connect to the repository database has System privileges, then you do not need to run the Database Install Utility. All you need to do is provide the required information to connect to the repository database when installing TDM Portal. The TDM Portal installation will ask for the required information to build the connection profile:
  • The server name of the machine hosting the Oracle database
  • The communication port Oracle is listening on. By default, it is 1521
  • The database name of the repository. By default, it is gtrep
  • The Username of the account used to connect to the database
  • The password for the user account above.

Once the Portal installation completes, and the 'CA Test Data Manager Portal' service starts up for the first time, The TDM service uses the connection profile information you provided to connect to the repository database, and populate the schema for you. If the Oracle user account you are using for the repository database has System Privileges, this is a much easier method, than running the Database Installer Utility. You would need to verify the permissions/privileges with your Oracle DBA.