Missing Actuals Due To Incomplete WIP Transfer
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Missing Actuals Due To Incomplete WIP Transfer


Article ID: 21523


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When a WIP transfer is completed only half way due to missing assignment (see use case below), user receives the 'Transfer Successful' message, is able to approve the WIP adjustment(transfer), and the actuals will be reduced from the originating task as expected. User will not notice any problem until it is discovered that the actuals did not get added to the destination task. The transfer record remains in the PAC_IMP_ACTUALS_EXPORT table until the assignment is manually created by a user, and the Import Financial Actuals job is run again.

As a result, users are not alerted on the required assignment on the destination task and will have incorrect actuals on the destination task.

Use Case:

  1. Process financial transaction for a resource on the originating project and task, but do not assign the resource to the destination task on the destination project.
  2. On Create WIP Adjustment page filter on date, and Investment ID, click Filter
  3. Select the transaction created above, click Transfer, on the Transfer page select the destination project, and destination task. Complete the transfer by Submitting and approving the transfer on Approve WIP Adjustment page
  4. Run Import Financial Actuals job

Result: the actuals are reduced from the originating task, but not added to the destination task, the resource is also not assigned to the destination task


Release: ESPCLA99000-14.2-Clarity-Extended Support Plus


Caused by CLRT-63012


Our sustaining team reviewed CLRT-63012 and closed it as they are not planning to make any changes to this area of the product in the reported version.


Select the original project AND task when filtering for the transaction on Create WIP Adjustment page, the new assignment will be created for the resource on the destination task.