How to identify IMS online control regions?
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How to identify IMS online control regions?


Article ID: 21519


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Database Analyzer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Configuration Manager for IMS for z/OS IMS TOOLS - MISC Compress Data Compression (IMS Tools) Database Analyzer for IMS for z/OS Database Copier for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer for IMS for z/OS Mainframe Extended Terminal Manager (IMS Tools) High Performance Recovery for IMS for z/OS Database Organizer (IMS Tools) Mainframe Program Restart Manager for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index Builder for IMS for z/OS Secondary Index for IMS for z/OS DATABASE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS FOR IMS FOR Z/OS


If the ITKSTC started task needs to be restarted with option "COLD" (e.g. after applying maintenance to the IMS tools loadlib),
all IMS control regions which are connected to this ITKSTC region, also need to be recycled (stopped/re-started).


To identify which IMS control regions actually need to be recycled, use this MODIFY operator command to display all IMS control regions
which are currently connected to ITKSTC :


Note 1 - "ITKSTC" is the standard name of the IMS tools started task (your name can be different)
Note 2 - Issue this MODIFY command before stopping the started task