My SVTn subsystem is not starting, and there are no errors seen in the Vtape task.
The following messages appear in the SVTS started task before an apparent hang condition:
SVT1I7399I Split maintenance level protection active
SVT1I3100I HLQ='SYS3.VTAPE.V126.VVE',VRM=0004,TOL=0005
SVT1I6812I Free queue (VQUE) located
Release : 12.6
Component : CA VTAPE
The Vtape task is using USS Backstore processing and the associated filesystem(s) are already in use (busy) or not reachable and cannot be mounted.
Check the filesystem(s) that Vtape is configured to use, and ensure that they can be successfully mounted and have proper permissions set for Vtape access. Shutting down Vtape and dismounting the filesystem(s) before restarting Vtape may help in identifying this problem (and possible resolutions).