CCS 12.x Agent install seems to hang and no popups are displayed
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CCS 12.x Agent install seems to hang and no popups are displayed


Article ID: 215146


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Control Compliance Suite Standards Server Control Compliance Suite Control Compliance Suite Windows


Control Compliance Suite (CCS)

When you are trying to install a CCS agent, when you right click on the 'Setup.exe' and select 'Run as Administrator', the install seems to hang and the mouse curser looks like it is thinking, but no install popup appears and eventually the mouse goes back to normal and nothing happens.


Release : CCS 12.x

Component : CCS Agent install on Windows


The agent install zip file that was downloaded from Broadcom's support page was 'blocked' by Windows.


Right click on the agent install .zip file that was downloaded, and select 'Properties'.  At the bottom of the properties, check the box to 'Unblock' the zip file (or it might be an 'Unblock' button) and click apply.  It might take up to 30 seconds for Windows to unblock the files in the zip.  Once it has completed, extract the zip file again and run 'Setup.exe' to install the CCS agent.