The installation of the r12.8.5 AdminUI on Linux fails
Check Disk Space: /development0/gbp/siteminder/adminui
Additional Notes: NOTE - Required Disk Space: 348,251,701; Free Disk Space: -1
Release : 12.8.5
Operating System: Linux
This issue is occurring when a user (e.g. smuser) used to install the AdminUI Pre-Req. and AdminUI has a /<home>/ directory <=1GB. The AdminUI installer is picking up the user's /<home>/ directory and writing the temp data during the installation to that directory instead of '/tmp/'. When the free space or size limit of the users home directory is exceeded, the installation of the AdminUI fails.
This issue will be resolved in r12.8.6 as per [
Run the following command:
(export IATEMPDIR=/tmp/iatmpdir;export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Duser.home=/tmp/hometmpdir';mkdir -pv /tmp/{ia,home}tmpdir;ln -svf ~/{CA,persistent_state,.{InstallAnywhere,java,*registry*}} /tmp/hometmpdir/.;/tmp/2362/linux-x86-64/ca-adminui-12.8-sp05-rhas64.bin -i console;find /tmp/hometmpdir/* -prune -not -type l -exec cp -pvr {} ~ \;)
In this solution we are doing the following:
1) Sets the environment variable for 'IAMTEMPDIR'
export IATEMPDIR=/tmp/iatmpdir
2) Sets the environment variable for '_JAVA_OPTIONS'
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Duser.home=/tmp/hometmpdir'
3) Creates a directory to be used for the tmp data during install
mkdir -pv /tmp/{ia,home}tmpdir
4) Creates symbolic links to the actual files (this prevents the need to copy them back and forth)
ln -svf ~/{CA,persistent_state,.{InstallAnywhere,java,*registry*}} /tmp/hometmpdir/.;
5) Installs the AdminUI
/tmp/2362/linux-x86-64/ca-adminui-12.8-sp05-rhas64.bin -i console;
6) Copies any files, that are not symlinks, generated by the install back into the home directory.
find /tmp/hometmpdir/* -prune -not -type l -exec cp -pvr {} ~ \;