Clarity third libraries jar versions
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Clarity third libraries jar versions


Article ID: 215131


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


We are looking to identify version numbers of utility jars in the application lib directory for clarity. Our technology risk organization routinely scans the applications in order to find at risk versions with potential bugs in it.

How to find out what version is each jar file?


Release : Any


  • The Scanning tools will already automatically detect the jar version
  • To find out the version of each jar manually you have to open it with ZIP and open the MANIFEST.MF file, it will contain the actual version
  • We typically use the third party libraries that are stable and do not change them often to ensure stability. 
  • Changing a library involves a lot of areas in the application that may be affected and need heavy testing, this is why we go with verified, stable versions, and change them few at a time
  • We do not support replacing the 3rd party libraries, so even if you find any of them are outdated, you will not be able to change them.
  • We recommend to be on the latest Clarity version and patch level to have the latest vulnerability fixes