Does Telon 5.1 no longer use Passwords for authorized Telon components?
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Does Telon 5.1 no longer use Passwords for authorized Telon components?


Article ID: 21510


Updated On:


Telon Application Generator



Upgrading from non-supported releases of Telon to Telon 5.1. 


For CA Telon releases prior to r5.1, I only needed two LMP keys. I also had passwords to install the CA Telon components for which my shop is authorized. Is this still the case for release 5.1?


Installing Telon 5.1, with LMP keys. 


As of release 5.1, product authorizations (passwords) are no longer used. LMP keys are still used, and are based on CPU ID and serial number. Formerly, there was only Two LMP keys for Telon; the base component, and either a CICS TDF, or a TSO TDF. As of Telon r5.1, an LMP key is required for each individual Telon option. 

Additional Information:

 As of Telon release 5.1, you need LMP keys for all the options for which you are licensed ( The Base component, the CICS and/or TSO TDF, the COBOL, PL/I Language option, and the CICS, IMS/DC, DB2 and/or IMS/DB target options). These options are verified in the TDF, Import and/or the Generator. If an option is accessed but not licensed, a warning message is written to the console.
If your CPU has not changed for you Telon 5.1 upgrade, your current 2 LMP keys for Telon (the base component, and either a CICS TDF, or a TSO TDF) will still be valid.


Release: ESBTLN99000-5.1-Telon-Extended Support Basic