A RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) Compare analysis script is unexpectedly dropping the tablespace. The report indicates changes to PARTKEYCOL_NUM.
How can changes to the partition key columns be left out of the compare.
This is reported in the Change Analysis Report:
Table Changes for:
Creator: authid
Name: table_name
Attribute Status Value
------------- ----------- ----+----1----+----2----+----3--
PARTKEYCOL Currently: 4
_NUM Changed To: 1
Changes in the partitioning key columns require a drop and recreate of the tablespace, table and indexes.
In the RULESET, in the TABLE section, turn off any changes to partitioning:
This also means that ANY other changes to partitioning are also turned off.
After the above rules are changed to N on PARTITIONING the analysis will generate other changes found with ALTER's unless there are other structural
changes that require a drop and recreate.