How to add resource team information in Investment Domain in Jaspersoft
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How to add resource team information in Investment Domain in Jaspersoft


Article ID: 215092


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


We need to add tables DWH_INV_TEAM_DEF and DWH_INV_TEAM_MEMBER tables to a copy of the Investment Management Domain. We need the resource team information to be able to query it.


Release : Any


  • Some of the information is already in DWH_RES_RESOURCE table, you can get the team_def_key there without having to add anything to the Investment Management domain.
  • If you still need the other information, you have to use a copy of the Investment domain, add the tables and join them using the team_def_key and then pull the columns you want to display.