How to get a batch DQK90 report user name date added last signed on
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How to get a batch DQK90 report user name date added last signed on


Article ID: 215087


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Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


How can I obtain a batch DQ report that is equivalent to the USERS command output in panel DQK90 showing user name, date added and date used (date last signed on)?

          USER NAME                 | DATE ADDED | DATE USED | TERMINAL USED
XXXX                              | 01/18/18  | 01/18/18 |     E004
USER1                             | 03/02/20  | 04/02/20 |     E006



Release : 15.1

Component : CA DATACOM/DB


DQUSERMT REPORT USER=*ALL* does report this information in the second last line of each page.

The information is stored in the DQU table in fields F00092-00032  and F00087-00005.
The table is not accessible by SQL so you can only run a DQL query against it.  
The two  fields are compound fields and contain other data as well. There is no way to format these properly in DQ.

Run DQBATCH with the following query to obtain the report:

FIND ALL DATAQUERY-DQU                                                 - 
PRINT TITLE1 'DQ USERS'                                                - 
USER-NAME F00092-00032 'DATE ADDED - LAST SIGNED ON'                 -
  F00087-00005 'TERMINAL USED'                                           
EXECUTE *                                                                

The report will look like this:

USER-NAME                         DATE ADDED-LAST SIGNED ON         TERMINAL USED  
--------------------------------  --------------------------------  -------------  
XXXX                              01/18/1801/18/18               .  #E004        
USER1                             03/02/2004/02/20               .  +E006  

The date last signed on field is updated for both online and batch signons.      

Additional Information

See related article 134187 - DQU query to list all users who signed on to CA Dataquery this year

See Datacom documentation sections Accessing User Information and Sample JCL for Batch Sign/On Mode.