Running a Gen online no-display (batch) application on Linux with the Diagram Trace Utility (DTU)
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Running a Gen online no-display (batch) application on Linux with the Diagram Trace Utility (DTU)


Article ID: 215053


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Gen Gen - Run Time Distributed


Problems running the Diagram Trace Utility (DTU) for an online no-display (batch) application on Linux

Started the DTU on the Windows workstation and start the online no-display application, but nothing happens or appears on the DTU. 




Release : 8.6

Component : CA Gen Diagram Trace


Suggested steps: 

-  Generate the Gen application targeting the Linux platform as remote (<loadmodule>.RMT) with Trace setting.

-  When building the Gen application on the Linux platform, be sure to set the profile token 'OPTIONS.OPT.CMD_FORM' to 'YES' and build the remote file application using the Gen Implementation Toolset on Linux. 

- Enable the three settings within the application.ini file on the Linux side as follows: TRACE_ENABLE=1, TRACE_HOST=<Windows workstation hostname or IP where the DTU is running>, TRACE_PORT=4567 (this is the default port but could be set to something else as long as it matches the DTU listening port)   

Important - Set the AEPATH on the Linux machine to point to the application.ini.  Place the application.ini in the 'parent' directory of the online no-display executable.   So, if the executable is within the  '.../test/bin' directory, place the application.ini in the  '.../test' directory and point the AEPATH to this directory.    

- Start the DTU on the Windows workstation, listening on the default port of 4567.  

-  Start the online no-display (batch) application on the Linux server machine (ex.  ./<loadmodule> <Trancode>) and the tracing of the application on the DTU will initiate.