Data Source unavailable error in Audit Summary
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Data Source unavailable error in Audit Summary


Article ID: 214958


Updated On:


CASB Security Premium CASB Audit CASB Security Advanced CASB Security Standard


When clicking on Audit -> Summary, the following errors appear:
- Data source unavailable.  Select another or check with your system administrator
- There was something wrong with your request.  Please try again.


The Datasource ID is stored in the browser cache.  When logging into CloudSOC and going to the Audit page, the datasource ID from the browser cache may be used to access the datasource, but that ID may no longer be valid.  When this happens, the datasource ID is requested again.  So no functionality is lost.  This is just a cosmetic error.


Log out of CloudSOC properly, then manually enter the URL into the browser and log in again and the error should not reappear.