When we compared Telon modules between releases 4.1 and 5.1, we noticed the LTHOPT parameter isn't used any more. Searching the 5.1 macros, we found that LTHOPT is still in the parameter list of a number of macros, but it isn't used in any of the macros themselves. In release 4.1, there are some checks on the parameter value. In most cases, it is set to 'Y', or forced to 'Y' with an MNOTE warning message. Is LTHOPT still there in release 5.1 for backward compatibility?
TelonĀ® Application Generator
Telon does not support backward compatibility; LTHOPT is preserved for forward compatibility. The LTHOPT parameter is no longer used, but is retained in macro invocations so that programs will not fail to import to the TDF or to generate. By recognizing the parameter on data access request (READ, BROWSE, etc.) macro invocations, but ignoring it within the Generator itself, it is still possible to import and generate a program containing the LTHOPT parameter. On Import, the LTHOPT option is ignored, so once the program is exported again, the LTHOPT parameter has been removed.