Security Information Validation
[CAUAJM_E_112121] An error occurred while authenticating the CA EEM server
with the certificate-based authentication.
The CA EEM certificate is configured with a certificate of length 1024.
AutoSys requires a key length of 2048 or higher. Therefore, modify the CA EEM
server certificate and re-launch the AutoSys installer..
I have followed the instructions to generate new certs and then upload them using the iTechnology GUI. What else am I missing?
Release : 12.0
The database was upgraded from a copy of lower version of AutoSys database and contains an EEM server that is still using key length of 1024.
Run the following statement to resolve the issue:
(Login as aedbadmin)
1. delete from ujo_keymaster where hostid='SECURITY';
2. update aedbadmin.ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'JOB';
3. update aedbadmin.ujo_alamode set int_val=0 where type = 'EVT';
4. delete from aedbadmin.ujo_alamode where type = 'SEC';
5. commit;
The installer then prompted for the option to use native or external security mode and for external security mode, the option of EEM server location.