I was provided a new certificate including a private.key file to update OneClick's certificate file and I need to import the files.
All supported releases of DX NetOps Spectrum
Importing a certificate generated outside the keytool utility.
The java keytool utility is currently unable to import a private key into a jks store. To accomplish this task we will need
to use the openssl utility to convert the files to a pkcs12 store and then use java keytool to convert the pkcs12
store to a jks store.
Provided files
The steps we took to convert and use these files
1. Rename the existing cacerts file in $SPECROOT/custom/keystore/
2. Convert Private.key and the cert to a pkcs12 store using openssl
openssl pkcs12 -export -in spectrum.cer -inkey private.key -out spectrum.p12 -name tomcatssl
3. Convert the pkcs12 store to a jks store using the java keytool utility
keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore cacerts -deststoretype jks -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit -srckeystore spectrum.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -srcalias tomcatssl -destalias tomcatssl
4. Re-import other certs being used, for example
If using LDAP with TLS: reimport the LDAP cert
keytool -import -alias ldap -keystore $SPECROOT/custom/keystore/cacerts -trustcacerts -file <ldap_certificate_filename>
If integrating with CAPM via https, import the CAPM certificate
keytool -import -alias capm -keystore $SPECROOT/custom/keystore/cacerts -trustcacerts -file <capm_certificate_filename>
5. Spectrum OneClick tomcat
- stoponeclick tomcat
cd $SPECROOT/tomcat/bin
- rename the existing cacerts file in $SPECROOT/custom/keystore/ to another name
- copy the cacerts file generated above (step3) to $SPECROOT/custom/keystore/
- start OneClick tomcat
cd $SPECROOT/tomcat/bin/
6. If Tomcat doesn't start, and the error message: "the trustanchors parameter must be non-empty" is seen in catalina.out, it might be necessary to do next:
6.1 If you have the root chain certificate as a .cer file, you can import it as follow in the cacerts keystore:
keytool -import -alias root -keystore $SPECROOT/custom/keystore/cacerts -trustcacerts -file <root_chain_certificate_filename>
or follow article 129913 (https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?articleId=129913)
You can execute the same steps in case customer's supplied files are .pem
spectrum.pem (full chain certificate file)
As the key is encrypted you will also need the passphrase to decrypt it in step 2.