How to extract SQL text for IFCID 376 in IDB2?
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How to extract SQL text for IFCID 376 in IDB2?


Article ID: 214689


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite


How to extract IFCID 376 records to include the dynamic SQL statements? BTRINCMT request has  SQL-TEXT-VAR included in it's IQL, but no SQL is seen  when it's run. Should any IFCID be included in HIST-STATS-RECS?




Release : 20.0

Component : CA SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


The Data collector captures the SQL texts and can store them in a separate HSTSQLDB dataset. These options can be turned on by IQL functions STMT-CAPTURE and STMT-EXTRACT with the HISTORY-SQLTEXT=YES parameter. However, as of now IDB2 doesn't have  the capacity to work with this dataset in batch. It can neither be read by the batch writer, nor be unloaded by he IDB2UIFI utility to an SMF flat file.