XCOM™ Data Transport® for Sun Solaris Operating System 11.6
XCOM needed to be tuned to account for a heavy load of transfers and restart procedures modified to prevent corruption
Transfers were single threaded
These are the recommendations to prevent the hang problem you are seeing and to manage your considerable load of transfers without problems.
Update to XCOM.GLB
Edit the xcom.glb and set STAT_FREQUENCY=25 and save.
Implement Multisession (Multiple Transfers Going Simultaneously)
XCOM supports multiple sessions going to remote locations and we recommend that you take advantage of that ability to successfully manage your many transfers.
XCOM.SES is a file used XCOM to control the maximum number of sessions that may be sent at the same time to each remote system. If you do not set any values in this file, only 1 transfer will go at a time.
The XCOM.SES file is in the directory %XCOM_HOME%\config
Edit the XCOM.SES file and put in these entries to start (you may be able to increase these values later). This will allow 5 transfers to go to each of these remote partners at the same time. For example, values may be set higher depending on your environment.
You will also need to make sure that the TCPIP stack, XINETD/INETD, is configured to support the number of sessions to handle the workload.
Recycle XCOM after making these changes.
Cleaning up after xcomd -cy
While it is not recommended, there may be times when it is necessary to FORCE the XCOMD daemon down with the “xcomd –cy” command or KILL XCOMTCP processes. BUT when you do, you will be required to manually clean-up ALL outstanding requests, resources and corruption caused by doing so. This can be achieved by: