Site designed Detector data stores to stop the collections each day at 00:00 and start the new Detector collections over a new Detector data store.
Found the following sequence of messages in the Xmanger output:
---- MONDAY, 15 MAR 2021 ----
23.59.01 STC16998 PXM0107 MODIFY TEXT = STOP(DTR) DB2(ssid)
00.00.01 STC16998 ---- TUESDAY, 16 MAR 2021 ----
00.00.01 STC16998 PDT0731 DETECTOR TERM CLEANUP QUEUED DB2=ssid ID=0000349
00.00.02 STC16998 PDT0170 DETECTOR COLLECTION INTERVAL END TIME=00:00 INTERVAL=01:00 DB2=ssid VCAT=xxxx.xxxxxx
DATASTORE=datastor REL=20
00.00.02 STC16998 PDT0103 DETECTOR TERM COMPLETE FOR DB2=ssid COUNT=0006
The Modify command was issued at MONDAY, 15 MAR 2021 but the Detector collection
interval was stored in the Detector data store started at TUESDAY, 16 MAR 2021.
From the Xmanager log, we see that the modify command was issued to stop the Detector collection for ssid Subsystem, however Detector collection did not stop
until Tuesday early morning as it had to finish the cleanup process before termination.
Detector completed the cleanup, externalized the data to the interval and terminated itself. Since the cleanup took little more than a minute, the next interval was entered, so externalization happened into the new interval where the SQL activity was completed. When PLEXINTV(Y) is specified, the interval is always rounded. This does not indicate a problem. Detector is working as designed. Detector does not terminate without cleaning up the storage acquired by it for SQL processing.