SAML/SSO logout URL in CSA is not used
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SAML/SSO logout URL in CSA is not used


Article ID: 214526


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Setting up up SAML SSO with ADFS/Okta. We want to use a Logout URL in the properties.xml but it does not respect it, we always get redirected to another URL instead.


Release : Any


  1. Go to Modern UX - Administration - Authentication & Keys - SAML CONFIGURATIONS
  2. Check the value for IDP Single Logout URL
    This would be the value that takes precedence over the Logout URL in CSA.
  3. Clear it out and test

Note: Alternatively you could set the IDP Single Logout URL attribute to the same URL as the Logout URL in CSA 


Additional Information

For 15.9 and 15.8.1 ONLY: the table CMN_SEC_SAML_CONFIGS can be updated with the information.