Operation not permitted error while starting Clarity services
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Operation not permitted error while starting Clarity services


Article ID: 214504


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Clarity PPM On Premise


After a recent ownership change of the OS service user the Clarity Services are not starting. 

$ service stop all
/sbin/runuser: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted
/sbin/runuser: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted


Clarity Release : Any Supported Releases with Linux



The error "/sbin/runuser: cannot set groups: Operation not permitted" indicates a UNIX OS permission error and not generally a problem with the clarity code.


First step is to check clarity properties.xml and look at the rootUser property of the <os element.>.

For example-  If "clarityadmin" is the non-root OS user name and "staff" is the OS group then OS and rootUser to be specified with "clarityadmin".

i.e. (in your properties.xml you would want your os element to look something like the following)

<os user="clarityadmin" group="staff" dbUser="oracle" dbGroup="staff" rootUser="clarityadmin" commandPrefix="" />.

Along with this also validate if the non Clarity admin user is having read/write permissions to the Clarity Home.

e.g. chown -hR clarityadmin:staff /Clarity_Home

If there is still the same error then the next recommendation is to redeploy clarity services.

Additional Information

For Hints on Deploying clarity services and related commands visit Techdocs