CA View - SARBCH PRINT Command and SARDBASE Access Level
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CA View - SARBCH PRINT Command and SARDBASE Access Level


Article ID: 214471


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We have a User who wants to use the View R14.0 SARBCH PRINT command to print a SYSOUT from the View database. 

The user receives the following messages:

TSS7227E UPDATE Access Not Granted to Dataset SARC.SARDBASE.I0000001
IEC150I 913-38,IFG0194E,HINIRUTZ,SARBCH,SYS00001,C756,SARC01,  416  

The CA-View(SAR) R14.0 manual is not very clear as to the security rules that are needed for a user to run the SARBCH Print command. 

Are there any utilities for a user to "print" one or more SYSOUT files from the View database that would not need UPDATE level access to the View datasets?


Release : 14.0

Component : CA View


The SARATHUX exit is used to review the submission of batch jobs that run against the programs SARDBASE, SARBCH, and SARINIT. 

In the online environment, there is the submission of batch jobs (running the program SARBCH) for the index, delete, and print functions. 

The plain-vanilla version of SARATHUX has a return code of 0 (access allowed), whereas if you wanted control to pass to security rules, then the program should be coded with a return code of 8.  

The following is in a table in the View Security section:

REPT   READ      CPLFSSL, CPLFBRS CPLFLD                             SYSOUTs/Reports Load a report from tape
            UPDATE  CPLFPRT, CPLFOPRT,CPLFMAIL, CPLFTMNT  Print a report, email a report, or mount a tape to access a report

Above, the REPT resource type, with UPDATE access, allows for the printing of a report. 

Users require UPDATE access (for the REPT resource) in order to do a SARBCH /LOAD or SARBCH /PRINT (either from the online panels or through batch).