ASM Vancouver site is testing even though it is not selected
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ASM Vancouver site is testing even though it is not selected


Article ID: 214386


Updated On:


CA App Synthetic Monitor


Having an issue where we are getting false alerts from ASM as it is occasionally testing from Vancouver, even though we have not selected it on our end.



Release : 10.6.4



1. San Antonio station is not being used because it is currently undergoing maintenance.  From your account, you can go to Products -> Monitoring Stations and see (as per below screenshot) that it is yellow aka in maintenance.  

2. The logic of the code is designed like this.

 a. If the checkpoint strategy (random, sticky, master, etc....) does not provide the sufficient number of monitoring stations, then we add the geographically nearest checkpoint on the same continent.

 b. In your case, you have 3 selected and San Antonio is in maintenance.  So now you are down to two available sites.

 c. If both remaining stations reject the check, then in your case, it will be scheduled on the Vancouver station even though it is not selected in the pool.

The reason for this code is to make sure that the monitor check will be performed.  Without that extra step, the monitor would be silently omitted.

The best course here would be to add another location that has multiple stations within the same location.