IDB2 IMOD Rebuild failed with ** SEVERE ERROR. COPY 3  
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IDB2 IMOD Rebuild failed with ** SEVERE ERROR. COPY 3  


Article ID: 214353


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SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite


During IMOD re-build for R20 using job GSSIMOD the following error was displayed:

>>>   UPGRADE FILE ISETOUT ALL                                       
  + Upgrade will be to version 14.00.00                              
  + File: ISETOUT  Dsname: DBMS.MVS2.INSIGHT.IMOD                    
  + $DBACTV          being upgraded                                  
*** SEVERE ERROR. COPY 3                                             
*** Return from update: 135 - PHASE: WRITE    RETURN: 08 REASON: 14  
key D$$$SAVB_AZ909                                                   
*** $DBACTV TEMPSAV failure                                          
*** Upgrade aborted due to errors                                    
 ++ UPGRADE completed, code = 16                                     
 ++ End of file encountered.                                         
 ++ Highest completion code: 16                                      


Release : 20.0

Component : CA SYSVIEW Performance Management Option for DB2 for z/OS


This  failure was caused by the unit name VIO not being defined in the environment. To correct this condition, add the control card VIO SYSDA as the first line in STEP2(SRVMAINT's) SYSIN input. Another value other than SYSDA can also be used.