After upgrading SOI to SO15850 / CU1 / Tomcat 7.0.107 the IFW service on the SOI manager does not start anymore.
Release : 4.2
Review of SAM-IntegrationServices logs finds an error such as this:
Exception in thread "ReqMgr_HB" java.lang.VerifyError: Stack map does not match the one at exception handler 57
Exception Details:
com/ca/sam/ifw/api/jms/JMSMessage.<init>(Ljava/lang/Object;Lcom/ca/sam/ifw/api/IFWMessageProperties;)V @57: aload
Type 'com/ca/sam/ifw/api/jms/JMSMessage' (current frame, locals[0]) is not assignable to uninitializedThis (stack map, locals[0])
Current Frame:
bci: @27
flags: { flagThisUninit }
locals: { 'com/ca/sam/ifw/api/jms/JMSMessage', 'java/lang/Object', 'com/ca/sam/ifw/api/IFWMessageProperties', 'com/ca/sam/ifw/api/jms/JMSMessage', 'com/wily/introscope/agent/trace/IMethodTracer' }
The user in this case has a 9.7 Introscope Agent monitoring the SOI system, including the Integration Services. This includes a custom soi.pbd file.
Part of the special configuration of the agent includes instance counting, as basic memory leak tracking in code.
IdentifyClassAs: InstanceCounts
References to InstanceCounts monitoring have been commented out in Introscope Agent configuration
Problem could be replicated with 9.7 agent but not with 10.7 agent using the same custom instrumentation
There have been other issues caused by InstanceCounts monitoring in soi.pbd with 9.7 agent, for example
IdentifyClassAs: InstanceCounts
the advice would be to find all lines referencing InstanceCounts and commenting them out.
As 9.7 agent is no longer supported, upgrade to the latest available agent and applying the custom instrumentation is also advised.