Unable to launch LogMeIn remote desktop session when connecting via WSS Agent
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Unable to launch LogMeIn remote desktop session when connecting via WSS Agent


Article ID: 214207


Updated On: 05-04-2021


Cloud Secure Web Gateway - Cloud SWG


Users accessing internet using WSS Agent

WSS agent 7.2.1 running on Windows platform

Two users from two different office reported they successfully login to LogMeIn secure service

When they try and launch the remote desktop session (Rescue service), the connection cannot be completed and there's a connection failure reported

When the users disable WSS agent, all works fine.



WSS Agent - all versions

Windows 10 platform


LogMeIn application using certificate pinning.

With SSL inspection enabled by default, the certificate returned to the client is not that of the LogMeIn back end server but WSS Proxy server


Added SSL inspection bypass for the following domains

  • logmeinrescue-enterprise.com
  • 123rescue.com