We are using an APM connector, there were changes made on APMScoping config file. In the previous restart, we restarted the SOI manager and followed all the connectors as well. It seems that the queues are not processed at all, numbers only increase.
SOI 4.2
APM Connector 3.6.4
The APM connector 3.6.4, Granular CI support is there. Once you enable this by entering MetricGroups in ScopingConfig.xml, it is recommended to remove connector to sync CIs from APM properly because connector now supports dynamic discovery of more granular SoftwareComponent CIs based on Introscope MetricPaths as specified by the user and might conflict with existing ones when this wasn't enables. Also, It will add extra overhead because Granular CI Discovery is accomplished through the Introscope SOAP Web Services calls. Based on the configuration in ScopingConfig.xml file, web service calls are made to discover the matching CIs as represented in Introscope.
The connector has to be removed (while IFW services are shutdown) after any such changes into policy or configuration file, this process will remove connector existing data from SOI DB, when connector restarts, connector publishes data with those changes made in the configuration or policy files. Follow below steps.
1) Stop "Integration & Event Management" services on this connector
2) Select this connector on SOI Dashboard -> Connector Configuration and hit 'Remove Connector'
3) This will remove existing connector data from SAMStore DB, this may take some time depending on alerts, CIs count
4) Once the connector is removed from Dashboard, check JMS queue size. If this queue size still at high, then follow the below KB article
By default it will added back and no need to CIs to be added to services again. CI will not be removed from services.
APM connector 4.x onward 'Granular CI Support' using ScopingConfig.xml has been deprecated. Documentation for the same is described below for reference.
Granular CI Support allows the user to discover CIs from metric paths within the Investigator metric tree. Granular CI Discovery is accomplished through the Introscope Web Services. Based on the ScopingConfig.xml file configuration, web service calls are made to discover the matching CIs as represented in Introscope.