After applying a license file, receiving error in one environment:
U00034036 There is no valid license for Agent '[AGENT NAME]' (license class '9', license category'NON Production', platform 'EX.OS.UNX').
The license used to include a NON Production category and does not any longer.
Release : 12.2
This is caused either by having the incorrect license class (in the case above, a 9 as opposed to a V).
The license section in client 0 will show which license class can be used looking in the "Class" column and which Category this should be based on what is the "Category" column:
This same information should have been sent with the license when it was first received in a .pdf file. It can also be found in the UC_Lic table of the database (WARNING! Any attempt to update this table will result in a system outage!) More information on the UC_Lic table can be found here:
Looking at the message U00034036 There is no valid license for Agent '[AGENT NAME]' (license class '9', license category'NON Production', platform 'EX.OS.UNX').
it shows that the agent is currently attempting to use license class 9 and category "NON Production". Looking at the license section of the administration perspective above, we can see that the only category available for a license class 9 of platform "EX.OS.UNX" is "Production".
To resolve this, right-click on the agent object in Client 0 and choose Open. Go to the "Agent" tab and update the License Category dropdown to an available license category