Moving BSI database to new server
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Moving BSI database to new server


Article ID: 213998


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CA Business Service Insight


How can the Business Service Insight (Oblicore) database be moved to another machine with a different IP address?

Is there something special to take into account when restarting BSI? Or connection from BSI to the DB will be updated normally?




Release : 8.35



BSI always communicates to the database through the Oracle client and ODAC layers. As long as the TNS entry for the database is still under the same name, you should be fine.

If the IP address is changing; will the hostname be changing as well? Check the tnsnames.ora file (or files, if ODAC and client are in different folders) to see if the hostname or IP was used for the connection definition. If the connection definition there is by an element that will be changing, then it will need to be updated for BSI to find the database again.

Also check that the DNS change has propagated to the server after the move - a tnsping of the database from the App and Web servers will confirm if this is the case.

Finally, check your Adapter definitions - some organisations use an adapter to monitor BSI's own database, and if so you should check whether that connection is also using the tns name, or a directly-coded link.