Web UI/ECLI AEWS login error StatusCode 500
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Web UI/ECLI AEWS login error StatusCode 500


Article ID: 213994


Updated On:


CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys)


Autosys commands executed from Web UI/ECLI returns an error below:

The user name or password is incorrect.
StatusCode 500: URL: https://autosysr12.example.com:9443/AEWS

The AEWS URL successfully validated in the WebUI's Configuration tab


Release : 12

Component : CA Workload Automation AE (AutoSys)


The error is due to the missing Credential User.


- A valid credential user in WebUI is a requirement for ECLI to work. A credential User is a real OS user on the Autosys application server.

- Navigate to the WebUI tab "Credentials".

- Update the valid username and password.

- Click on "Add" followed by "Validate".

- Retry the ECLI command after successful validation.

- The recommendation is to create a global credential user that will be used for all users: _GLOBAL_:<userid>

- Validate if AutosysCommandWrapper have sticky bit permissions under $AUTOSYS/bin


-rwsrwxr-x. 1 root    root      36352 Nov 29  2020 AutoSysCommandWrapper

- If users configured with Active Directory must resolve authentication process to Autosys Server 


Additional Information

Please see the section: Credentials Application
