Auto-Close rules run off Affected End User Tenant
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Auto-Close rules run off Affected End User Tenant


Article ID: 21399


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


In a Multi-Tenancy environment, it is possible to use different "Auto-close" rules for different Tenants, along with a default "public" rule for all Tenants who don't fall into specific rules.

The Tenant looked at is the Tenant of the Affected End User on an Incident (or other ticket type).

Although the Incident may have a different Tenant, such as the Service Provider Tenant, it is the tenant of the Affected End User that is used.

Sites that run with all users under the Service Provider Tenant (or other single Tenant) will not be able to take advantage of different Auto-Close rules per Tenant.

They will be able to use Auto-Close rules against the single Tenant held by the users, but this allows no flexibility for running separate Auto-Close rules.

Tenants X, Y, Z and the Service Provider "SP" are set up.
Tenants X, Y and Z may be in a hierarchy below the SP Tenant.

Employee Contacts A, B and C created with a Tenant of the Service Provider "SP."
Employee Contacts D is created with a Tenant of the Service Provider "X."

Auto-Close Rules are established for the public tenant (SP) and Tenant X.

When an Incident is created for Employee A in the Affected End User, with a Tenant of X for the Incident, the Auto-Close logic will look at the Tenant of the Affected End User. That is, the SP Tenant. It will use the SP Tenant Auto-Close rule. It will not look at the Auto-Close rule for Tenant X.


Release: 12.6 or higher
Component:  CA Service Desk Manager


This is working by design in order to accommodate use of the Affected End User's workshifts, if set. The Auto-Close rules are tied to the Affected End User because this is typically a better fit for most business cases. It is the Affected End User who has the issue, and who requires rules to run within their workshift times.

Sites should consider if they need Auto-Close rules depending on the customer site, and if so, not put all users under a single Service Provider Tenant if they wish to use different Auto-Close rules per Tenant.

Note:- if only one Auto-Close rule is needed, then this factor is not a consideration.

Please log an Enhancement Request via CA Technologies, Support, if the feature to use Auto-Close against the Incident (ticket) Tenant type is required, along with a short business case of why.

Auto Close Rules and Multi-Tenancy - Key Points

  1. The Auto Close Rule always uses the "Requester's Tenant" on the ticket if available.

  2. The Affected End User's available Tenants restricts the Incident's Tenant choice.

  3. Set up additional Tenants if dedicated Auto Close rules per Tenant are required.

Additional Information

See the attached document for a behaviour matrix of Incident Tenant, Requestor's Tenant and Affected End User's Tenant as they relate to Auto Close rules.

Attachments get_app