I purchased Blue Coat Intelligence Services(BCIS) only however Maintenance>Licensing>Subscription indicating below.
Why ProxySG's subscription screen display BlueCoat Web Filter(BCWF) ?
Release : all of appliance edition of SGOS
Component : license
All of appliance edition of ProxySG will write the BCWF license when accesses the license server.
So there is no license violation even if you didn't contract BCWF and it not also affect your network traffics.
This behavior can see when ProxySG access for license server.
This is step How to don't write BCWF license ProxySG.
[Note]Need factory default if your ProxySG already has BCWF.
1.Factory default your ProxySG
2.Download specific serial number of License from our license server
3.Initial configuration your ProxySG.
[important] ProxySG write BCWF license if reach our license server so you have to set non-internet reachable IP address and DNS setting.
4.Check Maintenance>Licensing>Subscription. you won't see the BCWF license.
5.install downloaded license.